Video: Protas supports US community research with Milken Institute
ENRICH-CT is enabling more inclusive clinical research in the US.

Protas is supporting a new initiative launched at the Milken Institute 2024 Global Conference to improve infrastructure in the United States around clinical trials, helping them to become more accessible to the communities they serve.
Enabling Networks of Research Infrastructure for Community Health through Clinical Trials (ENRICH-CT) is working with public, private and non-profit sectors to build a coordinated approach to community-based research.
The aim is to create a system that will address prevalent health problems and future public health emergencies equitably across US society.
Discover more in this video, featuring Protas Chief Executive Prof Sir Martin Landray and Protas Board Member and Executive Vice President of Health Esther Krofah:
The initiative is led by Milken Institute’s FasterCures centre, which is working towards a system that is effective, efficient and driven by one vision: putting patient need above all else.